Monday, August 27, 2012


Well I survived my first day of school. It started out a little rough, but got better.
When I first got there, everyone stood in lines according to their class. They played what I assumed was the national anthem of Peru, and someone read a verse from the bible. I wasn't a big fan of standing around forever.
Then we went to class. My class is 5A, 5th grade in secondary school. The teacher that was in there had me introduce myself in English, and then had everyone else do the same. Except, they didn't have to say as much.
After that we had English. Yep. They were learning English. And let me tell you something, learning English is a lot harder than it sounds, I was just as bad as them. We also had religion, physics, some sort of a history class, and math.
Math being the only class I would actually be able to understand, I told myself that I would try. That was before the teacher started writing logarithms on the board. After a while of trying to remember how to do them, I gave up.
My class is very nice, most of them know a good amount of English, too. A couple of them were teaching me what parts of the face are in Spanish. Eyes being the only one I remember.
Today was a long day, and it's only half over. Now it's time for a nap, and then who knows what I'll end up doing.
-abrazos y besos de Peru.


  1. Hey, Keeping up on your blog!
    Love reading about your trip!
    God bless!


  2. Sounds like you survived sweetie! logarithms! Must be beyond me!
