Monday, August 20, 2012

Día uno: shopping and stress

Finally in Arequipa, two hours late, without my bag. And I am exhausted. I meet up with my family, and am so happy to finally be with them. We go home. And have lunch, which was a dish with chicken, rice, potato, and egg. It was very good, but a lot of food and I was so worn out I hardly ate. I also had Inca Cola, which is Peru's most popular soda. It tastes a little bit like bubble gum. And it is really good.

After that I decided to go lay down. I managed to make it to my room before having yet again, a breakdown. I was super home sick. So I laid in bed and cried it out, while trying to get some rest. I managed to sleep for a couple of hours, but it didn't help much. So when I woke up, I just laid there, listening to a very annoying ticking clock-that now is without a battery-and cried some more.

When I finally left my bed room, Vanessa, my sister of 17 who knows very little English, was the only other person home. So I joined her in her room and we watched a show about ballet that was on. It's nice to know that she likes watching it. We communicated mostly by using google translate. We then decided to go to the mall.

It was a beautiful, very large mall, with not many stores. Since my bag didn't come with me to Arequipa, I decided that I needed some clothes for tomorrow. So we looked around and after what seemed like forever, I found a shirt I liked, and pants that fit me.

(may I add that pants are VERY hard to find in the right size)

Anyways, we went to Starbucks, too. And I won a cookie sandwich thing that had what I assume was caramel in between. It was good. Other than that and dinner, I haven't really eaten anything today, and I hope it doesn't stay like this for a while. Because as much as I like the idea of not gaining weight, I don't want to lose any either.

So now at the end of day one, I am physically, emotionally, and mentally drained. But, things are starting to look up already, and I am hoping that I understand Spanish more in a week or two.

-abrazos y besos de Perú

Location:Arequipa, Peru


  1. Thing will get better, hope you bag gets there, at least you have your back pack . love dad

  2. Sounds like a rough start, but I am sure, perfectly normal. Hope things are better now. Mom
