Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Today when I woke up, I didn't feel very good. I'm guessing I have a slight case of altitude sickness. So I just laid in bed. I was listening to things going on outside, and I heard, among many other things, dogs barking, and what I'm guessing was pan flute music. It was pretty cool.

Once I did decide to get up, Vanessa made me some eggs. I wasn't too hungry, but I tried to eat anyways. While I was eating, the maid that comes by often was boiling water on the stove. They don't drink just straight tap water. But they store water in containers, under a big basket of fruit.

A little bit later, I wanted to shower. But, there wasn't any water. So we waited, and waited, until finally, it was back. So I took a shower, a short but much needed shower.

After that, Carlos woke up. Nothing special. Then Vanessa and I watched, well, started I watch a movie. It was called Three Meters Above the Ground. Or at least that's what I thin it was called. It was a little strange.

Because the airport said that my bag was going to be here today, we went to the Serpost office to see if it was there. And do you know what they said? Mañana. The same thing that the airport said. So, tomorrow Pia is going to take me to go get it. If it's there.

As Vanessa said, I have mala suerte.

-abrazos y besos de Peru.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zoe! This is great! Look, I got here all by myself. Should have practiced taking a bath in a bucket. I love you. Mom
